A Night to Remember: Hiking Dirfys Mountain for Sunrise

Last Saturday, fueled by a sense of adventure and the desire to witness the beauty of a sunrise from the heights of Dirfys Mountain, we embarked on a journey. Setting out from Athens at the 11 at night, the anticipation was palpable as we travelled toward our destination. By 1 in the morning, we found ourselves in the village of Steni and after turning onto a gravel road, we parked our car after about a kilometer and prepared ourselves for the ascent ahead. With headlamps illuminating our path, we began our trek along the gravel road that led us to the base of the mountain. The night air was filled with a chilly breeze, and with every step, the temperature seemed to drop a degree.  After about two hours we were nearing the summit. We paused to catch our breath and to drink a cup of steaming tea, knowing that the wind would only get worse and we wouldn’t want to wait the sunrise at the top but reach it a few minutes before.

As the first light of dawn began to paint the horizon with hues of orange and pink, we resumed our journey, eager to reach the peak before the sunrise. And when it did, the sight was nothing short of breathtaking. The sun bathed the landscape in golden light, casting shadows that danced across the Aegean Sea, which was covered by clouds. After a few minutes (and a lot of photographs), we started descending from the summit. It proved to be just as challenging as the ascent, if not more so. The ground was slick with loose rocks, requiring us to tread carefully to avoid any missteps.

After another two hours of careful descent, we finally reached our car, weary but exhilarated by the experience we had shared. As we made our way back to Athens, our minds buzzed with the memories of our nighttime escape and the beauty we had witnessed from the heights of Dirfys Mountain.

It was a night to remember, filled with challenges, and moments of pure awe.
